But I am the manager of my work. I am the manager of my deliveries. Will you ever be a manager of your own work and ruin it !!! Definitely not!.

Here is the thing, I’m supposed to be on vacation but unfortunately I could not finish everything pending before vacation especially vacations in my calendar are planned year ahead as I learnt as a mother of twins for beautiful little princess girls Roussel and Sophia … to plan my vacation with their school time off so we can have some fun together. Even if in home or little outing or meeting their friends and our family…. what so ever.

But being manager of my work, I take full responsibility of each and every pending action and task and pending mails and meetings. but at least it is a slow down in vacation, but still …….. needed really.

Enjoying my vacation … hopefully and teaching the little girls some rules in life to help them be good girls đŸ™‚ With few meetings with our amazing customers.